Reitz Middle East FZE (RME)
RME is a 100% owned subsidiary of Reitz India and is part of the Reitz Group, Germany. RME had supplied more than 1000 high efficiency industrial fans and retrofits to many Middle East countries like U.A.E, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon from our manufacturing facilities of Reitz Germany and Reitz India. Also, Reitz Middle East have supplied fans to African countries like Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

Konrad Reitz Ventilatoren GmbH, Germany (KRV)
KRV is 75 years old company, with a turnover in excess of 70 million Euro. Reitz-Germany is one of the leading fan manufacturing companies in Europe. KRV manufactures about 10,000 fans per annum and have manufacturing facilities at Hoxter, Germany. KRV manufacture fans with a motor capacity of 10000 KW and impeller diameter up to 6 meters. For more details, Please visit website
Offices of KRV at Hoxter, Germany
Production Facilities of KRV
Reitz India Limited (RIL)
RIL is an Indo-German Joint Venture company with 50% ownership by Konrad Reitz Ventilatoren GmbH, Germany, and the balance 50% is owned by Indian promoters. RIL since its inception from 1998, has built nearly 42,000+ fans covering almost all segments of the industry like cement, steel, power generation, chemicals & fertilizers, petrochemicals & refineries, sugar, pulp & paper, glass, etc. RIL have supplied several big process fans up to 10000 KW mainly to cement, power, steel and chemical industries. For more details, please visit website
Reitz India Offices at Pashamylaram, Patancheru, Hyderabad, India.